Thesis Advising Policy
Master's Theses (includes BA/MA): If you would like me to be the primary advisor on your Master's thesis, please read carefully. These are my advising requirements:
1.) I advise students conducting research on health care-related topics, so if you are interested in another topic, then please find an advisor in the department who specializes in that topic.
2.) You should have completed the Master's econometrics (ECO 721) course with me.
3.) You should expect to work on your thesis for at least one year. So if you completed the ECO 721 course in the Fall of 2023, for example, then your anticipated graduation date must be December 2024 or later. You should start meeting with me immediately after the ECO 721 course.
4.) Students who first work with me as research assistants receive priority for Master's thesis advising.
5.) If you would like me to advise your Master's thesis, please send your resume and a brief personal statement (< 250 words) describing your interests to
If you would like me to be the second reader for your Master's thesis, you must send your request to me at least 3 months before your anticipated graduation date. Please tell me who your primary advisor is and write a brief description (< 250 words) of your thesis topic. I will do my best to respond promptly.
Undergraduate Honors Theses: We encourage our undergraduate Honors students to enroll in the BA/MA program and write Master's theses. If, for some reason, you have chosen not to pursue the BA/MA program and still want to write a health care-related undergraduate honors thesis, then please read my requirements below:
1.) You should have completed the undergraduate health economics course (ECO 375) or undergraduate econometrics (ECO 321) with me.
2.) You need to devote at least 6 months to your thesis. So if your graduation date is May 2025, for example, then you should approach me no later than December 1, 2024.
3.) Students who first work with me as research assistants or teaching assistants receive priority for undergraduate thesis advising.
4.) If you would like me to advise your undergraduate thesis, please send your resume and a brief personal statement (< 250 words) describing your interests to
Advisees at Hunter College
Primary Advisor for Master's Thesis
1. Azemina Redzematovic (2018), NY Civil Service Pathways Fellowship
2. Elizabet Shvets (2018), GWU Health Policy PhD Program
3. Maria Dikler (2023), Mini-Circuits
4. Saket Hegde (2023), Philadelphia Federal Reserve
5. Jilmar Robledo Caicedo (2023), Tufts University Economics PhD Program
6. Vassina Hassane Meite (2023), Georgetown University Economics PhD Program
7. Aury Diaz (2024), NY Federal Reserve Internship Program
Second Reader for Master's Thesis
1. Orin Hassan (2017), Harvard HCP Research Assistant
2. Kacper Perkowski (2020), Cerner Enviza
3. Haido Andrianos,(2021)
4. Azka Imran (2023), University of Southern California Price PhD Program
5. Susan Chen (2024)
Undergraduate Honors Thesis
1. Heather Auto (2018), University of Michigan MPH Program
PhD Dissertation Committees
1. Hoda Nouri-Khajavi (2019), Data Scientist with Visiting Nurse Service of NY
2. Chuxin Liu (2023), JP Morgan
3. Ke Zeng (2023), NORC at University of Chicago